• darkblurbg

Country selection

Country selection: which offshore destination to choose? Although a small country, Holland is one of the largest users of offshore ICT-services in Europe and hundreds of Dutch companies have offshored. India has been the pioneer and is still the most important source, but the Dutch have been egalitarian in choosing their suppliers: at least 30 nations have conducted software work for Dutch clients.

Examples of these Dutch destinations: Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Bangladesh and China. Apart from these ‘farshore’ countries there is a growing use of ‘nearshore’ destinations, such as Romania, Ukraine and Serbia.

Working with lesser-known countries can be beneficial, and we can assist you with the issue of country selection. Some examples of these lesser-known, but upcoming countries:

•    Palestine
•    Bangladesh 
•    North Korea

Interested in exploring country options?
Contact us in case you are interested in exploring offshore outsourcing. We can assist you with issues of country selction and we can connect you with qualified ICT companies. We can also arrange your visit to the region.